Marco Ginanneschi

Founder and Administrator, born in 1967, graduated in Political Science at the University of Siena. He studied then Diplomacy in Florence and Public Affairs at the Columbia University of New York, obtaining his PhD in History of International Relations from the University of Florence under the guidance of Prof. Ennio di Nolfo. He studied in particular the dollar-sterling rivalry in the trade and financial system. In 1998 as a CNR (National Research Center) scholar, he moved to Wuerzburg to study the possible economic effects of the new currency (Euro) with President Kohl and Angela Merkel’s economic advisor, Prof. Peter Bofinger. In 2005 he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Florence for Finance and Incentives for business start-ups.

Between 1994 and 2009 has been in charge of the Department of Economics and then Director of several industrial associations in Italy. After 8 years as a senior executive, he became a consultant and entrepreneur, creating Finanza Futura, a corporate finance boutique. He has kept operational responsibilities: from 2015 to 2017 as Director of Co.Ri.Panf. and from 2011 to 2023 as Director of Assocantuccini. In 2024 he became Director of the Consortium for the Protection of Cantuccini Toscani PGI (

He is the author of academic articles and books, especially in the field of strategic management and digital economy. On these subjects, he is also a trainer for managers and entrepreneurs. Member of the Italian Institute for the Future since 2018, he invented a business foresight method for the generation of long-term scenarios. For his contribution to the development of a holistic and transdisciplinary view of food and to the research in the agri-food sector on the 20th of December 2023, he was awarded the honor of Academician of the Georgofili.


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